Thursday, June 19, 2008

Crabmeat and cream soda

So today all too quickly we came to the end of the first service camp.

The last few days have held some really positive experiences, I've met some really awesome kids, had a great worship day with my cabin - praying with most of them, seen a real transformation in some of them. There have also been some real challenges, having 11 out of our 14 cabin kids with behavioural issues, seeing the background behind some of these kids and how broken they are, feeling that we've spent more time disciplining than discipling.

Despite having violent fights, one kid using our cabin window and curtain instead of a toilet at night etc. I still wouldn't change our group of kids for the world. So it made it difficult when we had to say goodbye to them today!

It means that we are now on break until the next group of kids come in on friday for music school which should be slightly better behaviour-wise... at the moment they are quite below on numbers, so we could have 5 instead of 14 in the cabin!

This evening I experienced my first Taco Bell (great) and went hunting for sand crabs on the beach after dark (not great). I thought I liked crabs...apparantly not! A couple of us went out and shamefully I ended up being a flashlight holder with the girls instead of a hunter-gatherer with the boys! Still, one of the larger ones we caught we brought back with us and someone broke off a leg for me, so I had fresh (raw) crabmeat! Earlier on I had bought some special cream soda (yum) flavoured with honey and vanilla. This turned out to be my first major mistake so far in's vile stuff!

Therefore, if you are offered freshly caught crab, make sure it is dead before you eat it...and if you are offered some weinburg's 'gourmet' cream soda...stay well clear!

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