Sunday, June 8, 2008

Easy like...

Sunday morning!

Bright shining sun, a gentle breeze, birds twittering in the air, this is the Hawaii I imagined!

This morning we've had our first Sunday Church Service. It was a really interesting experience noticing the little differences with how things are done here, like standing up for the scripture reading, or mellow hula dancing to a hawaiin version of 'My Jesus my Saviour' (much prefered to worship dancing, sorry English people!).

I've taken some pictures of the camp and the beach, which I'll try and put up on facebook in a second, but it really is stunning here, and the pictures don't do it justice!

The kids join us on friday, so we are starting to gear up for their arrival, still training, running through different situations/scenarios, and finding out what we are meant to be doing!

All in all? It's niiiiice.



Anita said...

Enjoy every minute - it gets manic and stressful when the kids come but it can also be very emotional at the end - hope you are settling in well

Johnny said...

pictures look fantastic

Parky said...

Buddy - keep your chin up, it all looks fab!! Tho wasn't that few clouds I saw in your pikkies?? Thought Hawaii was sposed to be like paradise??
Anyway, ya missed absolutely NOTHING at the bandstand in Wandle Park - not sure the Mayor of Croydon was that impressed!!!
Hope you're coming back for Band weekend cos I'm struggling already without you!!!
Enjoy enjoy - speak soon