Thursday, June 12, 2008



I’m not sure quite how this has happened, but I seem to have become resident choir-master here at camp Homelani! I’ve been asked to lead and train up the other team members in singing some staff songs at our weekly production here at camp. They seem to be under the impression that I can sing!

We’ve chosen to sing amazing grace to the tune of ‘In the Jungle’ from the Lion King, ‘Oh Happy Day’ from Sister Act, and ‘Happy Day’ by Tim Hughes (intentional link). Also in the same production, I’ve landed the part of director in one of the major scenes, NOT because of my precocious dramatic talent as I had suspected, but because I have a British Accent, as do ALL directors…go figure?! Best part of all? I was told by some of the girls last night that I sound like Michael Buble when I sing… result!!

So yesterday afternoon was spent on the beach and swimming (gorgeous clear blue water, soft fine sand) where I managed to completely cook my upper back and shoulders, so have bought a load of after sun today to soothe that off.
In the evening, we had our formal night and end of orientation. We all dressed up, everyone looked great, and had canapés and appetisers, and then had lots of local foods and a great evening of fun and games. A popular a small group started is that you have to sneak up behind someone, lightly kiss their back/shoulder, and sing ‘sneaky kisses, sneaky sneaky kisses’ before running off without them noticing. I turned out not to be so good at this game and got caught by the camp director, who promptly returned the favour this morning!

Today is our first break day of the summer, which has been spent getting little things done that needed doing, and going to Wal*Mart to get some essentials. The kids arrive tomorrow, so the excitement is building!

Looking forward to going out into town to eat tonight. Peace out.

1 comment:

Catrina bambena said...

matthew, im so proud of you being a far away country. I know we don't speak as much anymore but when you get back you MUST tell me all the fun a frolics that you've had!
Much love