Monday, June 16, 2008

What's in a name?

So the kids have been here for a couple of days here...and they are awesome!

As you'd expect, there are some minor issues, one or two scuffles, but overall, we are so blessed with these kids. In my cabin there are 14 boys aged 9 and 10. Far more than I'm used to back at camp at home! Already I've been asked if I'm from Australia, how many children I have of my own, what's my wife's name, and told that I look about 46...oh dear. I might have to start a new moisturising routine!

Unfortuantely it seems that I am having to play 'bad cop' in our cabin at the moment, which I don't mind doing, but it just means that whenever I do have a laugh or have fun, the kids look at me as if they didn't know I had a sense of humour?!?!

Ah well, if nothing else, the mozzies love me, I counted 15 bites below the knee on my left leg! Might have to start wearing mozzi repellant...I wonder if they do violent kid repellant?!

I led a camp-wide devotion last night on the second part of the Jonah story which was slightly nerve-wracking! Apart from anything else, chapter 4 of the book is very odd, I'd never realised! Anyhow, I pretty much ignored all my notes and spoke about a different topic entirely which was fun!

It's starting to get confusing here as there is another matt on staff as well as myself, plus I have both a Matt and a Matthew in my cabin...makes for an interesting end of day report write-up: 'Matt showed hostility and aggression towards the rest of his cabin during cabin clean-up' etc...

Pics are up on fbook.


Mark Ingram said...

Hey Matt Matt,

I know what you mean about having your identity confused. I dropped off your practice mute at the Caffull's last night (for Aaron to borrow) and Millie had a look of total shock on her face - she thought I was you!!!!!!!!!

Anita said...

I think US kids don't have a clue about the UK. When I did camp, the questions were laughable...
Do you have money?
Do you have ironing boards?
How long did it take to walk here?
Can you say butterfly?

Aileen said...

Just be thankful you get confused for another Matthew or Matt and not an Alien like me!!